Source code for ac_core.contest

import json
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
from typing import Any, Dict, List, cast
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import bs4

from ac_core.modal.problem_test_case import ProblemTestCase
from ac_core.interfaces.HttpUtil import HttpUtilInterface
from ac_core.problem import parse_task
from ac_core.utils import HTML_PARSER, remove_suffix
from ac_core.constant import _SITE_URL
from ac_core.utils.html_parse_helper import parse_start_end, parse_url

[docs]@dataclass class ParserProblemResult: id: str url: str name: str time_limit_msec: int # ms memory_limit_kb: int # kb
[docs]@dataclass class ParserResult: start_time: int end_time: int name: str url: str problems: List[ParserProblemResult]
[docs]@dataclass class FetchProblemResult: id: str url: str name: str score: int time_limit_msec: int memory_limit_kb: int tests: List[ProblemTestCase]
[docs]@dataclass class FetchResult: start_time: int end_time: int name: str url: str problems: List[FetchProblemResult]
[docs]def parse_tasks(html: str) -> ParserResult: """parse tasks page, this method will not parse the detail page(such as testcases) of the tasks :param html: the html source get from ``{contests_id}/tasks`` :examples: .. code-block:: import requests from ac_core.contest import parse_tasks r = requests.get('') if r.status_code == 200: print(parse_tasks(r.text)) # pass html """ soup = BeautifulSoup(html, HTML_PARSER) problems: List[ParserProblemResult] = [] tbody = cast(bs4.Tag, soup.find('tbody')) trs = tbody.find_all('tr') for tr in trs: tds = tr.find_all('td') assert len(tds) > 0 url = _SITE_URL + tds[1].find('a')['href'] alphabet = tds[0].text name = tds[1].text if tds[2].text.endswith(' msec'): time_limit_msec = int(remove_suffix(tds[2].text, ' msec')) elif tds[2].text.endswith(' sec'): time_limit_msec = int(float(remove_suffix(tds[2].text, ' sec')) * 1000) else: assert False if tds[3].text.endswith(' KB'): memory_limit_kb = int(remove_suffix(tds[3].text, ' KB')) elif tds[3].text.endswith(' MB'): memory_limit_kb = int(float(remove_suffix(tds[3].text, ' MB')) * 1000) # TODO: confirm this is MB truly, not MiB else: assert False if len(tds) == 5: assert tds[4].text.strip() in ('', 'Submit', '提出') problems.append( ParserProblemResult( id=alphabet, url=url, name=name, time_limit_msec=time_limit_msec, memory_limit_kb=memory_limit_kb, )) url = parse_url(soup) name = soup.find(class_="contest-title").text start_time, end_time = parse_start_end(soup) result = ParserResult( url=url, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, name=name, problems=problems, ) return result
[docs]def fetch_tasks(http_util: HttpUtilInterface, contest_id: str) -> FetchResult: """Fetch tasks with http_util and contest_id, this methods will parse both meta info of tasks and the detail page of tasks :examples: .. code-block:: import requests from ac_core.contest import fetch_tasks print(fetch_tasks(requests.session(), 'abc259')) # pass contest id """ contest_url = _SITE_URL + '/contests/' + contest_id + '/tasks' contest_resp = http_util.get(contest_url) assert contest_resp.status_code == 200 contest_result = contest_resp.text contest_parser_result = parse_tasks(contest_result) problems_meta = contest_parser_result.problems urls = list(map(lambda p: p.url, problems_meta)) def fetch_p(url: str) -> FetchProblemResult: problem_resp = http_util.get(url) assert problem_resp.status_code == 200 problem_result = problem_resp.text problem_parser_result = parse_task(problem_result) return FetchProblemResult(, url=problem_parser_result.url,, score=problem_parser_result.score, time_limit_msec=problem_parser_result.time_limit_msec, memory_limit_kb=problem_parser_result.memory_limit_kb, tests=problem_parser_result.tests, ) problems = [fetch_p(url) for url in urls] return FetchResult( url=contest_parser_result.url, start_time=contest_parser_result.start_time, end_time=contest_parser_result.end_time,, problems=problems, )
[docs]def fetch_tasks_meta(http_util: HttpUtilInterface, contest_id: str) -> ParserResult: """fetch tasks page by *http_util* with *contest_id*, and then parse the tasks' meta info with :py:func:`parse_tasks()` :param http_util: e.g. ``requests.session()`` :param contest_id: the number in contest url, e.g. ``abc123`` :examples: .. code-block:: import requests from ac_core.contest import fetch_tasks_meta print(fetch_tasks_meta(requests.session(), 'abc260')) """ url = os.path.join(_SITE_URL, 'contests', contest_id, 'tasks') resp = http_util.get(url) assert resp.status_code == 200 return parse_tasks(resp.text)
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass class TaskInfoStruct: Assignment: str = "A" TaskName: str = "Middle Letter" TaskScreenName: str = "abc266_a"
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass class TaskResultsStruct: Additional: Any = None Count: int = 1 Elapsed: int = 84000000000 Failure: int = 1 Frozen: bool = False Penalty: int = 0 Pending: bool = False Score: int = 10000 Status: int = 1 SubmissionID: int = 34368488
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass class TotalResultStruct: Accepted: int = 8 Additional: Any = None Count: int = 8 Elapsed: int = 2079000000000 Frozen: bool = False Penalty: int = 0 Score: int = 320000
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass class StandingsDataStruct: Additional: Any = None Affiliation: str = "Peking University" AtCoderRank: int = 18 Competitions: int = 21 Country: str = "CN" IsRated: bool = False IsTeam: bool = False OldRating: int = 3337 Rank: int = 1 Rating: int = 3337 TaskResults: Dict[str, TaskResultsStruct] = field(default_factory=lambda: {}) TotalResult: TotalResultStruct = field(default_factory=lambda: TotalResultStruct()) UserIsDeleted: bool = False UserName: str = "jiangly" UserScreenName: str = "jiangly"
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass class StandingStruct: AdditionalColumns: Any = None Fixed: bool = False StandingsData: List[StandingsDataStruct] = field(default_factory=lambda: []) TaskInfo: List[TaskInfoStruct] = field(default_factory=lambda: []) Translation: Any = None @staticmethod def from_dict(o) -> 'StandingStruct': # assert (False)
[docs]def parse_standing(html: str) -> StandingStruct: """parse json standings to struct :param html: the html data get from ``{contest_id}/standings/json`` :examples: .. code-block:: import requests from ac_core.contest import parse_standing r = requests.get('') if r.status_code == 200: print(parse_standing(r.text)) # pass html """ json_res = json.loads(html) return StandingStruct.from_dict(json_res)
[docs]def fetch_standing(http_util: HttpUtilInterface, contest_id: str) -> StandingStruct: """parse standings with http_util to struct :param http_util: e.g. ``requests.session()`` :param contest_id: the number in contest url, e.g. ``abc123`` :examples: .. code-block:: import requests from ac_core.contest import fetch_standing print(fetch_standing(requests.session(), 'abc260')) """ url = f'{contest_id}/standings/json' res = http_util.get(url) assert res.status_code == 200 return parse_standing(res.text)