Source code for ac_core.problem

from dataclasses import dataclass
from logging import getLogger
import re
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import bs4
from ac_core.constant import _SITE_URL
from ac_core.modal.problem_test_case import ProblemTestCase
from ac_core.utils import HTML_PARSER, get_direct_children_text, remove_prefix, remove_suffix
from ac_core.utils.html_parse_helper import parse_start_end, parse_url

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SampleParseError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, message: str = 'failed to parse samples'): super().__init__(message)
[docs]@dataclass class ProblemResult(): id: str url: str name: str score: int tests: List[ProblemTestCase] contest_name: str contest_url: str contest_start: int contest_end: int memory_limit_kb: int time_limit_msec: int
def _parse_score(soup: bs4.BeautifulSoup) -> Optional[int]: task_statement = soup.find('div', id='task-statement') p = task_statement.find('p') # first if isinstance(p, bs4.Tag) and p.text.startswith('配点 : '): score = remove_suffix(remove_prefix(p.text, '配点 : '), ' 点') try: return int(score) except ValueError: # some problems have scores like "<p>配点 : \(100\) 点</p>", not "<p>配点 : 100 点</p>" # example: pass return None # Title in/out content def _find_sample_tags(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, int, str]]: # fix dup test case cause of lang-ja and lang-en lang_soup = soup.find('span', class_="lang-en") if lang_soup is None: lang_soup = soup.find('span', class_="lang-ja") if lang_soup is None: lang_soup = soup.find(id='task-statement') assert isinstance(lang_soup, bs4.Tag) input_strings = ('入力例', 'Sample Input') output_strings = ('出力例', 'Sample Output') expected_strings = input_strings + output_strings def h3_2_title_inout(s: str) -> Tuple[str, int]: for prefix in input_strings: if s.startswith(prefix): return (s[len(prefix):].strip(), 0) for prefix in output_strings: if s.startswith(prefix): return (s[len(prefix):].strip(), 1) raise SampleParseError('Unknown input or output:' + str(h3)) def get_header(tag, expected_tag_name): if tag and == expected_tag_name and tag.string and any(s in tag.string for s in expected_strings): return tag return None for pre in lang_soup.find_all('pre'): logger.debug('pre tag: %s', str(pre)) # the standard format: #task-statement h3+pre # used by AtCoder's JavaScript, sometimes used with .prettyprint # example: # NOTE: The AtCoder's JavaScript (at version) supports: # - "#task-statement h3+pre" format for Copy buttons of <h3> and <pre> tags # - "pre.prettyprint" format for Copy buttons of <pre> tags h3 = get_header(tag=pre.find_previous_sibling(), expected_tag_name='h3') if h3: yield h3_2_title_inout(h3.text) + (pre.text, ) continue # a old format: #task-statement h3+section>pre:first-child # partially supported by AtCoder's JavaScript # NOTE: The relaxed format "#task-statement h3+section>pre" may cause false-positive. e.g. # NOTE: The format "h3+section>pre.prettyprint" sometimes cause false-negative. e.g. # example: if pre.find_previous_sibling() is None and == 'section': h3 = get_header(tag=pre.parent.find_previous_sibling(), expected_tag_name='h3') if h3: yield h3_2_title_inout(h3.text) + (pre.text, ) continue # a very old format: #task-statement p+pre.literal-block # entirely unsupported by AtCoder's JavaScript # example: if 'literal-block' in pre.attrs.get('class', []): p = get_header(tag=pre.find_previous_sibling(), expected_tag_name='p') if p: yield h3_2_title_inout(p) + (pre.text, ) continue def _parse_sample_cases(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> List[ProblemTestCase]: """ :raises SampleParseError: """ s_dict: Dict[str, ProblemTestCase] = {} for title, inout, content in _find_sample_tags(soup): if title not in s_dict: s_dict[title] = ProblemTestCase(title=title) if inout == 0: s_dict[title].input = content.lstrip() elif inout == 1: s_dict[title].output = content.lstrip() else: assert (False) samples: List[ProblemTestCase] = [] for title, inout, content in _find_sample_tags(soup): if inout == 0: samples.append(s_dict[title]) return samples
[docs]def parse_task(html: str) -> ProblemResult: """parse problem page html to structured data :param html: the html source get from ``{contest_id}/tasks/{problem_id}`` :examples: .. code-block:: import requests from ac_core.problem import parse_task r = requests.get('') if r.status_code == 200: print(parse_task(r.text)) """ soup = BeautifulSoup(html, HTML_PARSER) h2 = soup.find('span', class_='h2') assert isinstance(h2, bs4.Tag) alphabet, _, name = get_direct_children_text(h2).strip().partition(' - ') time_limit, memory_limit = h2.find_next_sibling('p').text.strip().split(' / ') for time_limit_prefix in ('実行時間制限: ', 'Time Limit: '): if time_limit.startswith(time_limit_prefix): break else: assert False if time_limit.endswith(' msec'): time_limit_msec = int(remove_suffix(remove_prefix(time_limit, time_limit_prefix), ' msec')) elif time_limit.endswith(' sec'): time_limit_msec = int(float(remove_suffix(remove_prefix(time_limit, time_limit_prefix), ' sec')) * 1000) else: assert False # When login as the admin, a link is added after memory limit. See parsed_memory_limit ='^(メモリ制限|Memory Limit): ([0-9.]+) (KB|MB)', memory_limit) assert parsed_memory_limit memory_limit_value = memory_limit_unit = if memory_limit_unit == 'KB': memory_limit_byte = int(float(memory_limit_value)) elif memory_limit_unit == 'MB': memory_limit_byte = int(float(memory_limit_value) * 1000) else: assert False try: tests_list = _parse_sample_cases(soup) or [] # type: Optional[List[ProblemTestCase]] except SampleParseError as e: logger.error(str(e)) score = _parse_score(soup) url = parse_url(soup) contest_info = soup.find(class_="contest-title") assert isinstance(contest_info, bs4.Tag) contest_name = contest_info.text contest_url = _SITE_URL + contest_info.attrs["href"] start_time, end_time = parse_start_end(soup) return ProblemResult( id=alphabet, url=url, name=name, time_limit_msec=time_limit_msec, memory_limit_kb=memory_limit_byte, tests=tests_list, score=score, contest_name=contest_name, contest_url=contest_url, contest_start=start_time, contest_end=end_time, )