Source code for codeforces_core.contest_list

from dataclasses import dataclass
import json
import re
from typing import List
from lxml import html
from lxml.etree import ElementBase
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from .interfaces.AioHttpHelper import AioHttpHelperInterface
from .kwargs import extract_common_kwargs
from .util import typedxpath

[docs]@dataclass class CodeforcesUser: name: str title: str class__: str profile: str
[docs]@dataclass class ContestListItem: id: int title: str authors: List[CodeforcesUser] start: int # timestamp length: str participants: str upcoming: bool # only for upcoming registered: bool # ['D','1','2'], ['C'] Div: List[str]
[docs]def parse_div(title: str) -> List[str]: r: List[str] = [] if 'Div.' in title: r += ['D'] for i in range(1, 5): if re.compile('Div\\. ?' + str(i)).search(title): r += [str(i)] elif not 'unrated' in title.lower(): r += ['C'] return r
# 获取已经解决的 统计
[docs]async def async_solved_count(http: AioHttpHelperInterface, solved_path: str): solved_string = await http.async_post("/data/contests", {'action': 'getSolvedProblemCountsByContest'}, csrf=True) solved_json = json.loads(solved_string) open(solved_path, 'w').write(solved_string) return solved_json
# [day:]hour:minutes
[docs]def ddhhmm2seconds(length: str) -> int: s = length.split(':') days = int(s[0]) if len(s) == 3 else 0 hours = int(s[-2]) minutes = int(s[-1]) return int(timedelta(days=days, hours=hours, minutes=minutes).total_seconds())
[docs]def is_contest_running(item: ContestListItem) -> bool: start = item.start end = start + ddhhmm2seconds(item.length) now = int( # local time zone return now >= start and now < end
[docs]@dataclass class ContestList: upcomming: List[ContestListItem] history: List[ContestListItem]
[docs]def parse_contest_list(raw_contests: ElementBase, upcoming: bool, **kw) -> List[ContestListItem]: logger = extract_common_kwargs(**kw).logger contests: List[ContestListItem] = [] for c in typedxpath(raw_contests, './/tr[@data-contestid]'): try: cid = int(c.get('data-contestid')) td = typedxpath(c, './/td') title = td[0].text.lstrip().splitlines()[0] authors: List[CodeforcesUser] = [ CodeforcesUser( class__=a.get('class').split(' ')[1], profile=a.get('href'), title=a.get('title'), name=a.text, ) for a in typedxpath(td[1], './/a') ] start_str = typedxpath(td[2], './/span')[0].text start = int(datetime.strptime(str(start_str) + "+0300", "%b/%d/%Y %H:%M%z").timestamp()) # Russian + 3hours length = td[3].text.strip() participants = '' registered = False if upcoming: # Registration completed x17284 # Register » x1521 Until closing 4 days # Before registration 3 days msg: str = re.sub('\\s+', ' ', td[5].text_content().strip()) if msg.startswith("Registration completed"): # 完成注册 registered = True elif msg.startswith('Before registration'): # Before registration 3 days 还未开放注册 注册人数 registered = False elif msg.startswith('Register'): # 开放注册 registered = False if msg.startswith("Registration completed") or msg.startswith('Register'): # 开放注册 renshu = typedxpath(td[5], './/a[@class="contestParticipantCountLinkMargin"]') if len(renshu) == 1: participants = renshu[0].text_content().strip().lstrip('x') else: # 历史 participants = re.sub('\\s+', ' ', td[5].text_content().strip().lstrip('x')) contests.append( ContestListItem(id=cid, title=title, authors=authors, start=start, length=length, participants=participants, registered=registered, upcoming=upcoming, Div=parse_div(title))) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return contests
[docs]def parse_contest_list_page(html_str: str, **kw) -> ContestList: logger = extract_common_kwargs(**kw).logger doc = html.fromstring(html_str) table = typedxpath(doc, './/div[@class="datatable"]') upcoming = parse_contest_list(table[0], upcoming=True) # count contests if len(table[1].xpath('.//tr[@data-contestid]')) == 0: logger.error("[!] Contest is running or countdown") else: history = parse_contest_list(table[1], upcoming=False) if not history: logger.error("? list1 is empty") return ContestList(upcomming=upcoming, history=[]) return ContestList(upcomming=upcoming, history=history)
# This function is to simulate web request, do not do the cache
[docs]async def async_contest_list(http: AioHttpHelperInterface, page: int = 1, **kw) -> ContestList: """ This method will use ``http`` for get contests page, you can both login or not login :param page: the page in url :returns: the result Examples: .. code-block:: import asyncio from codeforces_core.httphelper import HttpHelper from codeforces_core.contest_list import async_contest_list async def demo(): # http = HttpHelper(token_path='/tmp/cache_token', cookie_jar_path='/tmp/cache_cookie_jar') http = HttpHelper(token_path='', cookie_jar_path='') await http.open_session() # you can login before get list result = await async_contest_list(http=http) for c in result.upcomming[:5]: print(c) for c in result.history[:5]: print(c) await http.close_session() """ html_str = await http.async_get(f'/contests/page/{page}?complete=true') return parse_contest_list_page(html_str, **kw)