Source code for codeforces_core.contest_meta

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, cast
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import bs4
from lxml import html
from lxml.etree import _Element
from lxml.html import HtmlMixin

from .interfaces.AioHttpHelper import AioHttpHelperInterface
from .util import soup_find_bs4Tag

[docs]class E_STATUS(str, Enum): NOT_SUBMITTED = "" AC = "AC" ERROR = "ERROR"
[docs]@dataclass class ProblemMeta: id: str = '' url: str = '' name: str = '' passed: str = '' # number of passed submission in contest status: E_STATUS = E_STATUS.NOT_SUBMITTED time_limit_msec: int = 0 memory_limit_kb: int = 0 contest_id: str = ''
[docs]@dataclass class ContestMeta: id: str = '' url: str = '' problems: List[ProblemMeta] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
[docs]@dataclass class Questions: when: str Q: str A: str
[docs]@dataclass class Materials: text: str url: str
[docs]@dataclass class ContestPage: id: str url: str title: str problems: List[ProblemMeta] # questions: List[Questions] materials: List[Materials]
[docs]def parse_problems(resp: str) -> List[ProblemMeta]: soup = BeautifulSoup(resp, 'lxml') currentContestList = soup.find('div', class_='datatable') assert isinstance(currentContestList, bs4.Tag) trs: List[BeautifulSoup] = currentContestList.find_all('tr') ret = [] for i in range(1, len(trs)): tds = trs[i].find_all('td') namediv = tds[1].div.div row = ProblemMeta( id=tds[0].get_text().strip(), url=tds[0].find('a')['href'], name=namediv.get_text().strip(), passed=tds[3].get_text().split('x')[-1].strip(), ) if 'class' in trs[i].attrs: classes: str = trs[i].attrs['class'] # mypy ?, List[str] if 'accepted-problem' in classes: row.status = E_STATUS.AC elif 'rejected-problem' in classes: row.status = E_STATUS.ERROR limit = tds[1].find('div', class_="notice").get_text().strip() if limit.startswith('standard input/output'): limit = limit[len('standard input/output'):].strip() try: t, m = limit.split(',') row.time_limit_msec = int(float(t.strip().split(' ')[0]) * 1000) row.memory_limit_kb = int(float(m.strip().split(' ')[0]) * 1000) except: pass ret.append(row) return ret
[docs]def parse_materials(resp: str) -> List[Materials]: doc = html.fromstring(resp) captions = cast(List[_Element], doc.xpath('.//div[@class="caption titled"]')) ret = [] for c in captions: title = c.text[1:].strip() if title != 'Contest materials': continue links = cast(List[_Element], c.getparent().xpath('.//a[@href]')) for a in links: title_text = str(cast(HtmlMixin, html.fromstring(a.get('title'))).text_content()) ret.append(Materials(text=title_text, url=a.get('href'))) return ret
[docs]async def async_contest_meta(http: AioHttpHelperInterface, contest_id: str, **kw) -> ContestPage: """ This method will use ``http`` to request ``/contest/<contest_id>``, and parse to struct result :param http: AioHttpHelperInterface :param contest_id: contest id in url :returns: parsed structured result Examples: .. code-block:: import asyncio from codeforces_core.httphelper import HttpHelper from codeforces_core.contest_meta import async_contest_meta async def demo(): # http = HttpHelper(token_path='/tmp/cache_token', cookie_jar_path='/tmp/cache_cookie_jar') http = HttpHelper(token_path='', cookie_jar_path='') await http.open_session() # you can login before request result = await async_contest_meta(http=http, contest_id = '1779') print( print(result.title) print(result.url) print(result.problems) print(result.materials) await http.close_session() """ url = f"/contest/{contest_id}" resp = await http.async_get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(resp, 'lxml') ogtitle = soup_find_bs4Tag(soup, 'meta', property="og:title")['content'] assert isinstance(ogtitle, str) title = ogtitle[len('Dashboard -'):-len('- Codeforces')].strip() problems = parse_problems(resp) for problem in problems: problem.contest_id = contest_id return ContestPage( id=contest_id, # resp = resp, url=url, title=title, problems=problems, # questions=[], # TODO materials=parse_materials(resp))