Source code for codeforces_core.contest_standing

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import re
from typing import List, Optional
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import bs4

from .interfaces.AioHttpHelper import AioHttpHelperInterface

# TODO post toggle showunofficial

[docs]@dataclass class StandingProblem: id: str = '' score: str = '' time: str = ''
[docs]@dataclass class StandingRow: rank: str = '' who: str = '' passed: Optional[str] = None score: str = '' hack: str = '' penalty: str = '' problems: List[StandingProblem] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
[docs]@dataclass class Standing: head: List[str] rows: List[StandingRow] url: str = ''
[docs]def parseStandingHtml(html) -> Standing: soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') currentContestList = soup.find('div', class_='datatable') assert isinstance(currentContestList, bs4.Tag) rows: List[StandingRow] = [] trs: List[BeautifulSoup] = currentContestList.find_all('tr') ths: List[BeautifulSoup] = trs[0].find_all('th') h: List[str] = ['' for i in ths] # head: get info from th for i in range(len(ths)): text = ths[i].get_text().strip() if text == '#': h[i] = 'rank' elif text == 'Who': h[i] = 'who' elif text == '=': h[i] = 'score' elif text == '*': h[i] = 'hack' elif text == 'Penalty': h[i] = 'penalty' else: a = ths[i].find('a') if a is not None: h[i] = a.get_text().strip() for i in range(1, len(trs) - 1): # ignore first(head) and last line(total accepted TODO) tds = trs[i].find_all('td') row = StandingRow() for j in range(len(h)): if h[j] == 'rank': row.rank = tds[j].get_text().strip() # '4\xa0(13)' => '13' inbracket ="\\(([0-9]*)\\)", row.rank) if inbracket: row.rank = elif h[j] == 'who': row.who = tds[j].get_text().strip() elif h[j] == 'score': row.score = tds[j].get_text().strip() elif h[j] == 'hack': row.hack = tds[j].get_text().strip() elif h[j] == 'penalty': row.penalty = tds[j].get_text().strip() else: # problems passScore = tds[j].find_all('span', class_='cell-passed-system-test') problem = StandingProblem(id=h[j]) if passScore and len(passScore) > 0: problem.score = passScore[0].get_text().strip() problem.time = tds[j].find('span', class_="cell-time").get_text().strip() else: problem.score = tds[j].get_text().strip() row.problems.append(problem) rows.append(row) # TODO add pagenation return Standing(head=h, rows=rows)
[docs]async def async_friends_standing(http: AioHttpHelperInterface, contest_id: str, **kw) -> Standing: """ This method will use ``http`` to request ``/contest/<contest_id>/standings/friends/true``, and parse to struct result :param contest_id: contest id in url :returns: parsed structured result Examples: .. code-block:: import asyncio from codeforces_core.account import async_login from codeforces_core.httphelper import HttpHelper from codeforces_core.contest_standing import async_friends_standing async def demo(): # http = HttpHelper(token_path='/tmp/cache_token', cookie_jar_path='/tmp/cache_cookie_jar') http = HttpHelper(token_path='', cookie_jar_path='') await http.open_session() result = await async_login(http=http, handle='<handle>', password='<password>') assert(result.success) result = await async_friends_standing(http=http, contest_id='1779') print(result.head) print(len(result.rows)) print(result.rows[3]) await http.close_session() """ url = f'/contest/{contest_id}/standings/friends/true' resp = await http.async_get(url) result = parseStandingHtml(resp) result.url = url return result
[docs]async def async_common_standing(http: AioHttpHelperInterface, contest_id: str, page: str = '1', **kw) -> Standing: """ This method will use ``http`` to request ``/contest/<contest_id>/standings/page/<page>``, and parse to struct result :param contest_id: contest id in url :param page: pagination 1-index :returns: parsed structured result Examples: .. code-block:: import asyncio from codeforces_core.httphelper import HttpHelper from codeforces_core.contest_standing import async_common_standing async def demo(): # http = HttpHelper(token_path='/tmp/cache_token', cookie_jar_path='/tmp/cache_cookie_jar') http = HttpHelper(token_path='', cookie_jar_path='') await http.open_session() result = await async_common_standing(http=http, contest_id='1779', page='2') print(result.head) print(len(result.rows)) print(result.rows[3]) await http.close_session() """ url = f'/contest/{contest_id}/standings/page/{page}' resp = await http.async_get(url) result = parseStandingHtml(resp) result.url = url return result