Source code for codeforces_core.problem

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from typing import List
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import bs4

from .interfaces.AioHttpHelper import AioHttpHelperInterface

[docs]@dataclass class TestCase: in_data: str out_data: str
[docs]@dataclass class ProblemInfo: # testcases: List[TestCase] title: str level: str time_limit_seconds: str memory_limit_mb: str desc: str in_tc: List[str] out_tc: List[str] note: str
[docs]@dataclass class ParseProblemResult(object):
[docs] class Status(str, Enum): AC = 'AC' FAILED = 'FAILED' NOTVIS = 'NOTVIS'
status: Status = Status.NOTVIS title: str = '' test_cases: List[TestCase] = field(default_factory=lambda: []) id: str = '' oj: str = '' description: str = '' time_limit: str = '' mem_limit: str = '' url: str = '' html: str = '' file_path: str = ''
[docs]async def async_problem(http: AioHttpHelperInterface, contest_id: str, level: str, **kw) -> ParseProblemResult: """ This method will use ``http`` to request ``/contest/<contest_id>/problems``, and parse to struct result :param http: AioHttpHelperInterface :param contest_id: contest id in url :returns: parsed structured result Examples: .. code-block:: import asyncio from codeforces_core.httphelper import HttpHelper from codeforces_core.problem import async_problem async def demo(): # http = HttpHelper(token_path='/tmp/cache_token', cookie_jar_path='/tmp/cache_cookie_jar') http = HttpHelper(token_path='', cookie_jar_path='') await http.open_session() # you can login before request result = await async_problem(http=http, contest_id='1779', level='F') print(result) await http.close_session() """ resp = await http.async_get(f'/contest/{contest_id}/problem/{level}') problem = ParseProblemResult(html=resp) soup = BeautifulSoup(resp, 'lxml') # TODO implememt soup_find function to assert type for mypy match_groups = soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'title'}) assert isinstance(match_groups, bs4.Tag) problem.title = str(match_groups.string)[2:].strip(" \r\n") match_groups = soup.find(name='div', attrs={'class': 'time-limit'}) assert isinstance(match_groups, bs4.Tag) problem.time_limit = str(match_groups.contents[-1]).strip() match_groups = soup.find(name='div', attrs={'class': 'memory-limit'}) assert isinstance(match_groups, bs4.Tag) problem.mem_limit = str(match_groups.contents[-1]).strip() match_groups = soup.find(name='div', attrs={'class': 'problem-statement'}) problem.status = ParseProblemResult.Status.NOTVIS # TODO for show progress match_groups = soup.find(name='div', attrs={'class': 'sample-test'}) assert isinstance(match_groups, bs4.Tag) problem.test_cases.clear() if match_groups: test_case_inputs = match_groups.find_all(name='div', attrs={'class': 'input'}) test_case_outputs = match_groups.find_all(name='div', attrs={'class': 'output'}) assert (len(test_case_inputs) == len(test_case_outputs)) # may not? in April fool contest for i in range(len(test_case_inputs)): t_in = test_case_inputs[i].find(name='pre').get_text("\n").strip(" \r\n") t_out = test_case_outputs[i].find(name='pre').get_text("\n").strip(" \r\n") problem.test_cases.append(TestCase(t_in, t_out)) return problem