Source code for codeforces_core.problems

from dataclasses import dataclass
import logging
from typing import Any, List, cast
from lxml import html

from .interfaces.AioHttpHelper import AioHttpHelperInterface
from .kwargs import extract_common_kwargs
from .util import pop_element

[docs]def extract_testcases(tags): ret = [] for i in tags: pop_element(i.xpath('.//div[@class="title"]')[0]) divs = i.xpath('.//div[@class]') if len(divs) == 0: ret.append("\n".join([t.strip() for t in i.itertext()])) else: l = '' prev = divs[0].get('class') lines = [] for d in divs: if d.get('class') == prev: l += d.text + '\n' else: lines.append(l) prev = d.get('class') l = d.text + '\n' if l: lines.append(l.strip() + '\n') ret.append("\n".join(lines)) return ret
[docs]@dataclass class TestCase: in_data: str out_data: str
[docs]@dataclass class ProblemInfo: # testcases: List[TestCase] title: str level: str time_limit_seconds: str memory_limit_mb: str desc: str in_tc: List[str] out_tc: List[str] note: str
[docs]async def async_problems(http: AioHttpHelperInterface, contest_id: str, **kw) -> List[ProblemInfo]: """ This method will use ``http`` to request ``/contest/<contest_id>/problems``, and parse to struct result :param http: AioHttpHelperInterface :param contest_id: contest id in url :returns: parsed structured result Examples: .. code-block:: import asyncio from codeforces_core.httphelper import HttpHelper from codeforces_core.problems import async_problems async def demo(): # http = HttpHelper(token_path='/tmp/cache_token', cookie_jar_path='/tmp/cache_cookie_jar') http = HttpHelper(token_path='', cookie_jar_path='') await http.open_session() # you can login before request result = await async_problems(http=http, contest_id='1779') print(len(result)) print(result[0]) await http.close_session() """ logger = extract_common_kwargs(**kw).logger url = "/contest/{}/problems".format(contest_id) resp = await http.async_get(url) doc = html.fromstring(resp) probs = cast(List[Any], doc.xpath('.//div[@class="problemindexholder"]')) ret: List[ProblemInfo] = [] for p in probs: try: # if alert: alert = alert[0].text level = p.get('problemindex') typo = p.xpath('.//div[@class="ttypography"]')[0] title = pop_element(typo.xpath('.//div[@class="title"]')[0]) time_limit = typo.xpath('.//div[@class="time-limit"]')[0] time_limit = [t for t in time_limit.itertext()][1].split(' ')[0] memory_limit = typo.xpath('.//div[@class="memory-limit"]')[0] memory_limit = [t for t in memory_limit.itertext()][1].split(' ')[0] desc = typo.xpath('.//div[not(@class)]') if desc: desc = '\n'.join([t for t in desc[0].itertext()]) else: desc = "" for j in typo.xpath('.//div[@class="section-title"]'): pop_element(j) in_spec = typo.xpath('.//div[@class="input-specification"]') if in_spec: in_spec = '\n'.join([t for t in in_spec[0].itertext()]) else: in_spec = "" out_spec = typo.xpath('.//div[@class="output-specification"]') if out_spec: out_spec = '\n'.join([t for t in out_spec[0].itertext()]) else: out_spec = "" in_tc = extract_testcases(typo.xpath('.//div[@class="input"]')) out_tc = extract_testcases(typo.xpath('.//div[@class="output"]')) note = typo.xpath('.//div[@class="note"]') if note: note = '\n'.join([t for t in note[0].itertext()]) ret.append( ProblemInfo(title=title, level=level, time_limit_seconds=time_limit, memory_limit_mb=memory_limit, desc=desc, in_tc=in_tc, out_tc=out_tc, note=note)) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return ret