Source code for codeforces_core.websocket

from time import time
from typing import Any, Callable, Tuple, AsyncIterator

from .account import extract_channel
from .interfaces.AioHttpHelper import AioHttpHelperInterface
from .kwargs import extract_common_kwargs
from .submit import SubmissionWSResult

# return (end watch?, transform result)
[docs]def display_ws(result: Any) -> Tuple[bool, Any]: print(result) return False, result
# # {'id': 1, 'channel': '34f1ec4b729022e4b48f8d24b65c857805a90469', 'text': {'t': 's', 'd': [5973356517882654806, 200631363, 1777, 1746206, 'TESTS', None, 'OK', 86, 86, 3198, 7884800, 148217099, '21220', '04.04.2023 5:57:08', '04.04.2023 5:57:08', 2147483647, 73, 0]}} # # 总的ws, 无法获得当前题目的 通过百分比 # def create_ws_task(http: AioHttpHelperInterface, ws_handler: Callable[[Any], Tuple[bool, Any]]) -> asyncio.Task: # """ # This method will use ``http`` to create common websocket, and ``ws_handler`` to handle each ws message # # this websocket cannot receive a submission running percentage, use :py:func:`create_contest_ws_task()` instead # # :param http: AioHttpHelperInterface # :param ws_handler: function to handler messages # # :returns: the task which run ws # # Examples: # # .. code-block:: # # import asyncio # from codeforces_core.httphelper import HttpHelper # from codeforces_core.account import async_login # from codeforces_core.websocket import create_ws_task, display_ws # from codeforces_core.submit import async_submit # # async def demo(): # # http = HttpHelper(token_path='/tmp/cache_token', cookie_jar_path='/tmp/cache_cookie_jar') # http = HttpHelper(token_path='', cookie_jar_path='') # await http.open_session() # result = await async_login(http=http, handle='<handle>', password='<password>') # assert(result.success) # task = create_ws_task(http, ws_handler=display_ws) # # submit code in webpage # try: # result = await asyncio.wait_for(task, timeout=60) # print("ws is done, result:", task.result()) # except asyncio.TimeoutError: # pass # await http.close_session() # # # """ # epoch = int(time() * 1000) # s -> ms # token = http.get_tokens() # ws_url = f"wss://{token['uc']}/{token['usmc']}?_={epoch}&tag=&time=&eventid=" # print(ws_url) # return asyncio.create_task(http.websockets(ws_url, ws_handler)) #<contest_id>/my 会多出两个 meta # <meta name="cc" content="xxx"/> # <meta name="pc" content="yyy"/> # TODO 设计上不太对, handler处理了数据, 结果也抛给了使用者, 应该handler 只关心是否停止, 而transform不应该在handler里处理 # 这两个可以监听 题目测试时 的通过 百分比 变化
[docs]async def create_contest_ws_task_yield(http: AioHttpHelperInterface, contest_id: str, ws_handler: Callable[[Any], Tuple[bool, Any]], **kw) -> AsyncIterator[SubmissionWSResult]: """ This method will use ``http`` to create contest specific websocket, and ``ws_handler`` to handle each ws message :param http: AioHttpHelperInterface :param contest_id: contest id in the url :param ws_handler: function to handler messages :returns: the task which run ws Examples: See docstring of :py:func:`codeforces_core.submit.async_submit()` """ logger = extract_common_kwargs(**kw).logger epoch = int(time() * 1000) # s -> ms html_data = await http.async_get(f"/contest/{contest_id}/my") cc, pc = extract_channel(html_data, logger)[2:4] assert cc and pc ws_url = f"wss://{pc}/s_{cc}?_={epoch}&tag=&time=&eventid=" logger.debug(f"pc = {pc}") # 似乎和场次有关, 可能包含别人的? logger.debug(f"cc = {cc}") # 似乎只会包含自己的 logger.debug(f"ws_url = {ws_url}") async for data in http.websockets(ws_url, ws_handler): yield data